Growing cannabis in a greenhouse

Growing medical cannabis in a greenhouse provides the opportunity to benefit from the biggest advantage of growing cannabis outdoors: the warmth and light of the sun. At the same time, a greenhouse protects your plants from the disadvantages like poor weather conditions and vermin. One thing is for sure, successful cultivation of cannabis starts with high quality seeds. If you completed this first step, you can start growing any variety of cannabis in a greenhouse.
The most important element of the growing process of cannabis is light. The plants need a lot of light during every growing phase, at least 12 hours a day. A greenhouse with a transparent roof is the perfect solution to use natural sunlight and temperature. However, the use of natural sunlight only isn’t enough. You’ll need additional lightning to provide enough light and warmth for the plants.
Our LED lights for cannabis indoor enable you to take your greenhouse growing system to the next level.
Create the perfect circumstances
Cannabis plants in the flowering stage need higher light intensity and a different spectrum than seedlings that just germinated. With Oreon’s LED lights, you can set the perfect conditions to get just the right amount, light intensity and spectrum for the growth phase the plant is in. The ability to respond to these specific needs is a great advantage of growing medical cannabis in a greenhouse, in comparison to growing outdoors.
Grow lights for cannabis

Manipulate the cannabis life cycle
The use of natural sunlight comes with disadvantages: you can’t control when and with what intensity the sun shines. With LED lights, you are in charge of the lighting hours and it empowers you to manipulate the life cycle of your plants. You’re not dependent on the season or the daylight hours the sun provides and you can keep a consistent optimum level of light during the day. With LED lights, you can recreate the temperature of summer during winter and extend the daylight hours in the autumn and the winter. This does not only improve the quality of the crop, it accelerates the growing process as well and can lead to an extra cycle per year.
Growing cannabis in a greenhouse: it works!
You won’t believe it until you try. Medisun is a medical cannabis producer in Ontario, Canada. They implemented Oreon’s LED lights for growing cannabis in their greenhouses. As a result, they are able to grow high quality cannabis products while being cost efficient. Their greenhouses are equipped with Monarch LED grow lights from Oreon. They confirm: “These lights are the smallest and most powerful LED fixtures available in the market”. The high quality of the products allows Medisun to gain a great position in the competitive market.
Read more about Medisun
Cannabis in a greenhouse
Growing medical cannabis in a greenhouse with LED lights: the benefits
LED lights make it possible to grow high quality medical cannabis in a greenhouse. Using LED lights for growing high value crops in a greenhouse eases the process of getting control of your cannabis greenhouse system. You can set the perfect growing conditions for the growing phase your plant is in and you can manipulate the growing life cycle. Oreon’s water-cooled LED lights come with a couple additional benefits.
Cannabis plants need warmth to grow, but it doesn’t like too much heat and the LED lights should be cooled to prevent overheating. LED grow lights with an active water cooling system can offer the solution. The heat the LED lights produce is taken away from the fixtures and stored separately. This prevents the heat from rising to the top of the greenhouse. This makes it unnecessary to vent once in a while, which means that no CO2 can escape. Plants need CO2 to grow, so there’s no need to add it again later.
When you grow medical cannabis in a greenhouse, you should use natural sunlight as much as possible. Oreon’s LED lights are the smallest fixtures on the market, which results in minimal shadow. The sunlight won’t be blocked by large fixtures and the need for extra lights to light up the shadow spots decreases.
If you’d like to hear more about the benefits of growing cannabis in a greenhouse or the advantages of our LED lights, don’t hesitate to contact us.