LED lights for cannabis

The use of LED grow lights for medical cannabis is not common for everyone in the branche, but the production of medicinal cannabis can perfectly be executed indoors with LED lights.
This specific crop needs a lot of light: at least 12 hours a day. It’s no surprise that cannabis can endure much light, but it doesn’t like too much heat. Even though all LED grow lights are beneficial for the growth of cannabis plants, Oreon’s cannabis greenhouse light system uses a unique water cooling technology. This ensures that the electronics and LEDs are cooled continuously. This leads to a high quality product and savings on energy costs.
Growing cannabis in a greenhouse with LED lights empowers you to provide the cannabis plant with the right amount and intensity of light.
Consistent optimum level of light
The biggest benefit of the use of cannabis greenhouse LED lighting, is that you can control the light levels the plants receive. The time of day or season will no longer influence your yield. Due to the water cooling, the indoor facility doesn’t heat up and the climate remains stable. This is beneficial because the lighting hours can increase so the plants receive more light and that means more yield!
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Perfect growth conditions and prevent botrytis
The use of LED lights for growing medicinal cannabis, enables you to create the perfect circumstances for the plants. You can adjust the light output to the plant’s growth phase. The seeds need lighting from the moment they have germinated, but cannabis plants in the vegetation stage need a lower light intensity or different spectrum than plants in a flowering stage. Botrytis causes a soft rot that damages cannabis buds during growth and after harvest. It usually occurs when temperature and humidity levels are high. With a sudden drop in temperature, the humidity from the air condenses and descends like water on the plant. This could occur when lights are turned off. Oreon's LED grow lights do not radiate much heat, keeps the temperature stable and therefore a better controllable RH. Growing cannabis indoors with LED lights empowers you to provide the cannabis plant with the right temperature and amount and intensity of light.
Best practice of Oreon’s medical cannabis grow lights
Medisun produces medical cannabis in Ontario, Canada. They use Oreons’ LED lights for cannabis, which is one of the main factors that allow them to grow a crop with consistent high quality. The lights even make it possible to complete one extra growth cycle per year!
Read more about Medisun
Advantages of growing cannabis indoors with Oreon’s LED lights
Advantages of growing cannabis indoors with Oreon’s LED lights
Growing cannabis indoor with Oreon’s LED lights comes with different advantages. We explained before that you can create the optimum level of light so you can extend the lightning hours and that you can adjust the light intensity to the growth phase of the plant. Medisun confirms these benefits and tells more about their experience.
However, there are a few more advantages. Oreon’s LED lights are actively water cooled. The water takes away the heat of the fixtures and stores it separately. This heat can be reused for other applications, making full use of the energy consumption of the fixtures. Thanks to the water cooling, the rooms don’t heat up and the grower can save on HVAC systems and its energy consumption.
If you want to know more about the advantages of Oreon’s LED lights for cannabis or want to gain information about the best LED grow lights for cannabis, don’t hesitate to contact us!