Curious what water-cooled LEDs can do for your business?
Get inspired! Below you can find a few of our projects.
Koppert Cress
Since 2010 Koppert Cress is the first company in the Netherlands to work on a large scale with LED fixtures from Oreon. Besides good quality and growth results, the lamps make a positive contribution to the company's sustainability objectives. The heat from the fixtures is stored underground and can be reused in winter to heat the greenhouse.
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Arjan Boer of the FromBoer (before Boer den Hoedt) lettuce farm in Ridderkerk has been using Oreon LED grow lights for years. As a result, he loses fewer plants and is able to deliver premium quality lettuce all year round, even in winter. "Our lettuce even tastes better than ever before."
View the caseDe Kruidenaer
Christ and Jacqueline Monden of De Kruidenaer in Etten-Leur had a hybrid lighting method installed in their new high-tech greenhouse, in which they grow basil, just over a year ago. Until now, their experiences have nothing but positive: a higher production yield, better quality, a longer lifespan and improved plant resilience.
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A more generative plant, 10 to 12 percent more production, and Brix measurements at summer levels all year round are the key results of a hybrid lighting trial at Belgian tomato grower Tom Lefevre with Hortipower.
View the caseMedisun
The LED fixtures allow Medisun to ensure a consistent quality of their cannabis crop. It is very important to keep a consistent optimum level of light as well as good temperature and humidity control. The LED lights from Oreon give short and more compact crops as well as shortening of crop sequences makes it feasible to complete one extra cycle per year.
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Together with Wageningen University we conducted a research into growing cannabis and investigated what the effects could be on the growth, development and relevant substances of medicinal cannabis. The new test results of the latest research will be published when the research is fully completed.